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Robert Cole

Does Smoking Cheese Preserve It?

By Robert Cole

Smoking cheese is a popular technique done by many for a number of reasons. The first, and perhaps most obvious, is that smoking gives the cheese a unique flavor and consistency. Smoking cheese gives it a woody, earthy flavor that you can’t find in any unsmoked cheeses. The second reason why smoking cheese is so popular […]

Is Smoked Ham Healthy?

By Robert Cole

No, smoked ham is not healthy. In 2015, processed meats, including ham, were classified by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a class 1 carcinogen. This means that the consumption of this food can potentially increase the risk of you developing cancer. This is due in part to the high quantities of salt and sugar […]

What is the Best Oil To Season A Smoker With?

By Robert Cole

If you have any experience with using a smoker, then you will know that one of the important things you need to do is season it. If you don’t season your smoker, then the food that comes off of it will also lack seasoning, and will often turn out rather bland.So, before you start using […]

Do You Flip A Brisket When Smoking?

By Robert Cole

The idea that smoking is an unrefined art that’s based solely on letting your chosen smoker do all the hard work for you, is one of those urban barbecue legends that’s been perpetuated by cable television and the cooking shows that make everything look easy.Smoking is all about finesse, about knowing how to apply heat […]

What Smoke Flavor is Best for Salmon?

By Robert Cole

Smoking meat is a popular form of adding a unique flavor to the food. Meats usually go alongside a particular smoke flavor, such as apple wood for pork.Salmon is great for smoking, but you want to know what flavor goes best with the fish to not overpower it. Salmon has a naturally gentle flavor that […]

Is Dry Rub Better Than Marinade for Smoking?

By Robert Cole

 For all of history, the battle has raged on between dry rub and marinade. While this battle may continue to rage on, we have the answer to the age-old question to settle the debate, which is better for smoking, dry rub, or marinade. A dry rub is not better than a marinade for smoking meat; it […]

Do You Need to Boil Potatoes Before Smoking?

By Robert Cole

The potato is such a versatile, wholesome, and filling vegetable that people have developed a myriad of different ways to prepare it. Smoking is a great way to lend a smokey, barbecue-like flavor to baked potatoes or potato salad. Smoking potatoes is actually a relatively easy process, but you will need to use a smoker for the […]

Can You Use a Pellet Smoker Without Pellets?

By Robert Cole

Pellet smokers and grills are quickly growing in popularity since they are easy to use, convenient, and require far less clean-up after use than wood smokers. However, they function differently than wood smokers, and you should understand the technology before using one. One of the most important things to know is the role the pellets […]

Review of the Bradley 4 Rack Electric Smoker

By Robert Cole

Do you think smoking great food should be simple? Well, the creators of the Bradley family of smokers agree with you, and that is how they designed their smokers. In today’s article, we will look at the Bradley 4 rack electric smoker in detail. We will cover the different features to help you decide if […]

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